The ZZR Concept
Development Concept
Engine Design
Chassis Design
Riding Position
> Kawasaki DNA
> Clay model
> Headlight area
> Airflow
> Edgy lines
> ZZR Image
Instrument Panel Details


Airflow management

Headlight design was only one of the many styling themes. As a flagship model built for high-speed roadwork, airflow management was a major concern. Although the ZZR has very different proportions from the Ninjas, aerodynamic performance is just as important. And that’s one reason the new ZZR shares a family resemblance with famous ZZRs of the past.

“Motorcycle design is all about expressing movement,” says the Design Planning Section Chief. “We wanted the new ZZR to have a different stance than that of the 10R, a kind of crouching stance, like a lion about to spring. The design is defined by a sharp line running from the front wheel to the tail cowl. And while the parts themselves have volume, the overall image is of lightness. Thus, even though sharp lines are used, the sense of volume remains undiminished. Although the centrally located air intake and the Z-style air outlets at the side of the cowl give the bike a family resemblance to other machines in the Kawasaki family, the design is completely new.”